Slugterra Slug AdventureSlugterra: Slug it Out help slugterra in his adventure Run around this amazing world and get as many coinsSlugterra: Slug it O
Slugterra Slug Adventure
Slugterra: Slug it Out help slugterra in his adventure Run around this amazing world and get as many coins
Slugterra: Slug it Out Run it's a new game that contains new awesome graphiques,
The game is so easy but super fun. You only need to jump over the obstacles on the road and get the scores
as possible as you can.Run you can play in 3 mode, enjoy the game fat boy run and reach highs levels and give us 5
ENJOY playing the game Slugterra: Slug it Out and reach highs score !
slugterra: Return of the Elementals full movie
++++ Higher jump and exciting levels
++++ 3 Different Game Modes
++++ Easy and fun to play, challenging to master
++++ High Speed Runner mouse!
++++ Helpful tools to help with challenging Slugterra: Slug it Out levels
++++ High-quality graphics
++++ Lightweight Game
++++ Full Playing
++++ All ages based.
Slugterra: Slug it Out est un nom commun pour un gast?ropode terrestre apparemment sans coquille mollusque. Chaque Slug ? des pouvoirs sp?ciaux en fonction de son ?l?ment : feu, eau, terre, air ou ?nergie. Lorsqu'elles sont lanc?es avec l'aide de blasters, et qu'elles atteignent une certaine vitesse, les Slugterra: Slug it Out se transforment en une version plus grande et plus puissante d'elles-m?me. Quand elles sont utilis?es, ceux qui les poss?dent doivent se d?p?cher de les recharger pour riposter. Les Slugs ont des sentiments, et si elles ont de l'affection pour quelqu'un, il se peut qu'elles fassent tout pour le (la) prot?ger. Elles ont besoin d'?tre r?guli?rement nourris et les b?b?s Slug ont besoin de soins plus sp?ciaux. Dans les blasters, elles sont lanc?s ? partir d'un tuyau bleu (ou rouge) en forme de cylindre
Dans les profondeurs du monde souterrain de SLUGTERRA o? les munitions sont vivantes et o? seuls les plus rapides survivent, Eli Shane est d?termin? ? devenir le plus grand lanceur de slugs de tous les temps ! Pour esp?rer vaincre les forces du mal, Eli et son ?quipe doivent enr?ler, entra?ner et combattre avec de petites bestioles appel?es les Slugterra: Slug it Out. Celles-ci peuvent se transformer en b?tes de combat magiques une fois propuls?es hors des puissants blasters ! G?nial !
Slugterra: Slug it Out is a common name for an apparently shell-less creature which lives in Slugterra: Slug it Out. They have special powers according to their elements, which are: Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Energy. These are the basic elements. The secondary elements are Steel, Toxic, Ice and Psychic. There are 5 Elemental Slugs which were first of their kind. They are the progenitors of all other slugs, so if one were to be corrupted, all the slugs of its lineage would suffer the same effects. So in effect, if the Air Elemental were to be ghouled, all other air slugs will become ghouls, such as Hoverbugs, When these slugs are fired with the help of Blasters, they reach a velocity of one hundred miles per hour and transform into a stronger form called velocimorph which can be highly destructive. , they can only be re-used if their Slingers are fast. Otherwise, they will return to the slinger's hideout if they are friendly to them. All Slug-Slingers have to expand their arsenal so they may use certain techniques such as communicating and using special Slugterra: Slug it Out collecting devices. Slugterra: Slug it Out need be fed regularly so that they remain healthy,
Slugterra es un nombre com?n para una criatura aparentemente shell-less que vive en Slugterra. Tienen poderes especiales de acuerdo a sus elementos, que son: Fuego, Agua, Aire, Tierra y Energ?a. Estos son los elementos b?sicos. Los elementos secundarios son de acero, T?xico, hielo y ps?quico. Hay 5 Elementales babosas que eran primeras de su tipo. Son los progenitores de todos los dem?s babosas,